
10 Technological Advancements that will rewrite our future

It’s no astounding fact that technological advancements have been on the rise every brand new day. They have entirely changed the way we work and function in our day-to-day lives – our entire modus operandi if we say so. They are essential to the continued development of society. Maybe, that is the reason why new technologies develop each passing day. There are still many more technological advancements yet to come that will change the whole way we look at our society and the world.

Here are 10 exciting new technologies that will have an impact on the decades to come:

1)   Artificial Intelligence

AI is omnipresent. It’s in machines, robots, and even our smartphones. All the popular voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are certain proofs of how much AI has achieved. Still, in the future, it will definitely find its way into advanced things like intelligent robots.

Numerous experiments have been carried out on Artificial Intelligence technology for the past couple of years. Narrow AI already powers systems like SPAM filters, Google Maps, and virtual assistants. The implications here are massive, because a new AI economy, including decentralized blockchain AI, could change the way businesses operate around the world. Further research is led towards developing general AI, a machine that is self-aware and commands intelligence equal to human beings.

This increasing ability of machines to learn and act intelligently will utterly transform our world.

2)   5G

5G may not seem very futuristic to us, as it’s already being developed in many countries. But the difference will be massive. It is predicted that 5G networks may ultimately be 100 times faster than 4G, allowing many more devices to connect, reducing dormancy to practically zero, and providing more reliable signals.

Fast connection speeds without overcrowding will open up a wealth of possibilities for all connected devices – everything from home appliances to cars and gadgets we haven’t invented yet.

This fifth generation of cellular network technology will provide us with faster, smarter, more stable wireless networking.

3)   Blockchain

Blockchain is a distributed database that lets cryptocurrency exist. As Big Think reported, unlike traditional, centralized records, a blockchain is decentralized. The permanent record is not stored in one location but exists on nodes spread across the system. This design makes it difficult to lose records or tamper with them.

There are numerous benefits that this technology can present to businesses in many different industries, through its distributed and decentralized nature.

4)   Digitally expanded realities

Encompassing virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality, this highlights the move towards creating more immersive digital experiences.

Just a few years ago, it was unclear whether augmented or mixed reality would take off. But now it’s pretty clear that it’s only a matter of time before the tech goes mainstream. Augmented Reality, or AR, has some incredible potential. It’s been around for a while now, in the form of various apps that can overlay information around you and is different from VR because it overlays information rather than simply puts you in a virtual reality.

Spatial computing is the next step in bringing together both the physical and digital worlds. It is quite similar to AR and VR, but it goes one step further, adding spatial mapping. This technology will bring new developments in how people and machines interact, in industry, healthcare, transportation, and the home.

5)   Quantum Computing

By definition, quantum computing is “the exploitation of collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform computation.” Simply, it solves problems faster and more accurately—in some cases, better than even supercomputers. Quantum computers rely on quantum bits to carry information. These machines already exist today, and IBM has announced plans to build a 1,000-qubit version by 2023.

Quantum computing can help produce serious machine-learning breakthroughs that might otherwise be impossible. Adoption of this technology could make big data more manageable. It could cut costly and complex development time through speedy simulations and solve multivariable optimization problems with ease. Finally, it may make currently intractable problems manageable, such as those faced in the processing of natural language.

These unimaginably fast computers capable of solving seemingly unsolvable problems – will make our current modern technology look like something out of the Ancient Age.

6)   Robots

The first robot has existed from as early as the 1950s. But today we’re talking about robots that are more intelligent than ever, learning to respond to their environment and perform tasks without human intervention.

Companies like Boston Dynamics have already developed a wide variety of robot assistants that can be used in factories or on the battlefield. I today’s times, we are not in a position where robots cook for us and run errands, but this certainly can be the reality in the coming years. This scenario is perfectly reasonable to imagine where robots are sent to fight our battles, in the place of men and women. Robots will also help free up human workers in factories. They can also be used for security applications.

The next breakthrough in robotics is the development of “living robots”. These tiny hybrid robots are made using stem cells from frog embryos. Robots will surely impact every single industry in the near future.

6)   Robots

The first robot has existed from as early as the 1950s. But today we’re talking about robots that are more intelligent than ever, learning to respond to their environment and perform tasks without human intervention.

Companies like Boston Dynamics have already developed a wide variety of robot assistants that can be used in factories or on the battlefield. I today’s times, we are not in a position where robots cook for us and run errands, but this certainly can be the reality in the coming years. This scenario is perfectly reasonable to imagine where robots are sent to fight our battles, in the place of men and women. Robots will also help free up human workers in factories. They can also be used for security applications.

The next breakthrough in robotics is the development of “living robots”. These tiny hybrid robots are made using stem cells from frog embryos. Robots will surely impact every single industry in the near future.

8)   Artificial Neurons on Silicon Chips

Another seemingly impossible feat has been achieved by scientists as they have found a way to attach artificial neurons onto silicon chips, mimicking the neurons in our nervous system and copying their electrical properties.

“Until now neurons have been like black boxes, but we have managed to open the black box and peer inside,” said Professor Alain Nogaret, from the University of Bath, who led the project.

It is believed that this research and developing technology will help the countless people who suffer from ailments of the nervous system. Researchers hope their work could be used in medical implants to treat conditions such as heart failure and Alzheimer’s.

9)   Li-Fi

Could Li-Fi be the new technology that will take this world by storm? It has been under experimentation for the last few years and has the potential to have the fastest data transfer speeds. Li-Fi has been experimented with for the last few years and has some interesting potential for uber-fast data transfer speeds. LiFi uses light to transmit data, where as WiFi uses radio waves. Because the visible light spectrum is around 10,000 times larger than the radio spectrum, there’s a lot more potential for bandwidth. Researchers say the LiFi might take off in 2021 as it is considerably cheaper than WiFi.

10)Recycling and Re-engineering

This new advancement in technology is very important for the environment. It is necessary because, with all these and various other advances in technology, pollution will also increase at jaw-dropping rates. This will have a negative impact on the conditions of our planet.

Hence, people are already coming up with a variety of interesting ways to recycle old tech, including turning disused plastic into material for paving roads and pavements. Such researches are led in India as well

The most important thing the human race will have to learn to do in the future is to learn new ways to recycle, reuse and re-engineer old technology to minimise waste and save the world.

So, are you ready to brace yourselves for these future advancements? As helpful as they will be it is also, without a doubt, our responsibility to cautiously use them. With power comes great responsibility. This is also a sort of power we’ll have in our hands. We’ll also be more susceptible to more cyber attacks. All of us will have to be more precautious and circumspective while conducting ourselves on these online platforms. Also, as businesses face unprecedented new threats, the ability to avoid cybersecurity threats will be critical for success over the next decades.

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